Orr Krupnik

PhD Candidate @ RL^2

Advisor: Prof. Aviv Tamar

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About Me

I am a direct-track PhD Candidate in the Reinforcement Learning Research Labs of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, supervised by Prof. Aviv Tamar. 

My research focuses on Robotic Learning, with an emphasis on model-based RL, meta-RL and generailzation. 

 In 2017, I received my BSc. in Computer and Software Engineering (cum laude) from the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Technion. 


MAMBA: An Effective World Model Approach for Meta-Reinforcement Learning

Zohar Rimon, Tom Jurgenson, Orr Krupnik, Gilad Adler, Aviv Tamar

ICLR 2024  [Project Page] [Paper] [Code]

Deterministic Diffusion for Sequential Tasks

Meital Bojan, Orr Krupnik, Aviv Tamar

Preprint  [Paper

Fine-Tuning Generative Models as an Inference Method for Robotic Tasks

Orr Krupnik, Elisei Shafer, Tom Jurgenson, Aviv Tamar

CoRL 2023  [Project Page] [Paper] [Code]

QueuePilot: Reviving Small Buffers with a Learned AQM Policy

Micha Dery, Orr Krupnik, Isaac Keslassy

IEEE INFOCOM 2023 [Paper

Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning with Multi-Step Generative Models

Orr Krupnik, Igor Mordatch, Aviv Tamar

CoRL 2019 [Project Page] [Paper] [Code]

Other Projects

A Reinforcement Learning Approach to Robotic Bin Packing 

Work done while at internship at OSARO 

Reproducing a Robotics Benchmark

Undergrad project by Omer Cohen and Raveh Ben Simon, Supervised by Orr Krupnik

[Blog] [Code]

DQN for 2D RoboCup Soccer

Undergraduate project by Orr Krupnik and Yona Cohen, supervised by Daniel Mankowitz and Tom Zahavy

[Technical Report] [Code]